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We have a winner!

Recently we wrote a blog detailing the Insurancewith Travel Survey 2016. We had asked our customers a few questions about what travelling meant to them, and entered everyone who gave us their email address a chance to win a £100 John Lewis voucher.

Unfortunately, the prize draw has now closed, but we’re delighted to announce that MH from Teeside has won the £100 John Lewis voucher. We contacted them, and they had this to say:

“It was a lovely surprise to hear I’d won such a nice prize, I’m excited! I’ll look to use the voucher to get something nice for my next holiday!”

The results of the Insurancewith Travel Survey 2016 were really interesting. It was great to see that an overwhelming 95% of you found that going on holiday was good for your health, with trips away having real results such as reducing blood pressure, relieving stress and helping to treat conditions such as eczema, arthritis and asthma.

Despite the fact that 22% of you find that going on holiday can increase your stress levels in preparing to travel or travelling to and from your destination. Lots of Insurancewith customers reported that a variety of reasons such as the pressure of organising a holiday, packing, dealing with airports and travelling with children can increase anxiety and stress – things to be aware of if you have a condition like high blood pressure.

Just under a sixth of you are more spontaneous, taking a last-minute approach and looking for deals, risking the chances of finding an affordable travel insurance policy before they depart. However, that said, over 20% of our customers are more likely to take a considered approach, asking for recommendations from friends and family on destinations, accommodation and excursions.

At Insurancewith, we understand just how important that all-important break can be for people with medical conditions, not just to soak up the sun, but to also have the time to relax, recuperate and reconnect with loved ones. It’s really encouraging to see that the majority of travellers feel that time away has such a positive effect on their own health.

We are committed to being able to provide affordable travel insurance to those with any range of medical conditions, allowing customers to take trips away with peace of mind without breaking the bank. We would always encourage those looking for travel insurance to cover medical conditions to contact specialist providers to ensure that they can get cover before booking their trip. Looking for cover last-minute can often leave people unable to find cover at a reasonable premium, or in some cases unable to find any cover at all.


InsuranceWith Awards