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USA’s top attractions to visit

The USA is according to a recent report the 3rd most visited county by UK citizens in 2010. Such a diverse land with scenery ranging from forests and mountains to bleak deserts and beaches constantly drenched in sunshine, North America is a vast country with lots to see and do, and for those who are planning a visit here is a list of the top ten must see attractions.

1. Walt Disney World Resort, Orlando
2. Las Vegas
3. Washington D.C.
4. Golden Gate National Recreation Area
5. Grand Canyon
6. Empire State Building, N.Y.
7. Yosemite National Park
8. Yellowstone National Park
9. Mount Rushmore
10. Los Angeles – Walk of Fame

With the opportunity to experience so much more as a tourist in the US, and with so many more things available to the everyday man and woman, you can partake in a huge variety of activities and events that aren’t as cheap or available back here in the UK. However, with new experiences and opportunities to do things you’ve always wanted to do comes increased risk of something going wrong. Whilst it’s probably not a good mental attitude to go into something with the idea that it will go wrong, it’s always best to be prepared for the worst. Medical bills in America are some of the most expensive in the world, so it’s a great idea to purchase travel insurance which covers the activities you intend on participating in.

Due to the high cost of medical care in the USA, holidaymakers are urged to buy appropriate travel insurance, particularly if they have a medical condition which needs to be covered, such as cancer, diabetes or diabetic kidney disease. To ensure a medical condition is full covered you should look for specialist travel insurance for medical conditions provider, they will have the appropriate 24 hour medical emergency helpline with medically trained specialist answering the calls should the worst happen when you are on holiday. Furthermore, when purchasing medical conditions travel insurance you should take care to fully disclose all your medications and the conditions you take them for, you may consider you don’t have high blood pressure because you take a tablet every day which controls it, but this still needs to be declared to your holiday insurance provider.
One final thing to remember for a trip to the USA is to purchase an Electronic System for Travel Authorisation (ESTA), this can all be arranged online.

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