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Travelling After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Planning a girly trip to look forward to and to celebrate the end of cancer treatment can be just the tonic to get you through the gruelling weeks ahead of needles and hospital visits.

Finding affordable cancer travel insurance for the trip may be problematic, however Insurancewith has a specific breast cancer travel insurance policy, which will not only cover all the standard travel insurance things such as cancellation, delayed departure, lost baggage etc., it also  fully covers breast cancer and all at affordable premiums.  Insurancewith was created by someone with firsthand experience of breast cancer, so they do understand the issues and the risks of travelling with breast cancer and rate the policy according to the risk and not the perceived risk, which is why the premiums are affordable.  The other bonus about the Insurancewith breast cancer travel insurance policy is for every policy sold £1 will be donated to charities such as The Haven, a breast cancer support charity.
Once you have the travel insurance sorted out it’s on to sorting out the holiday.  Travelling as a group of girls can be great fun, but you do need to take some sensible precautions to keep safe, as unfortunately women travellers can be targeted by criminals.  The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) have a page on their web site with good advice and tips for staying safe.
This break should be as relaxing as possible so follow the sensible advice on the FCDO web site and make sure you take out a travelinsurance policy to suit your needs making sure you declare all your medical conditions.

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