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Travel Insurance that includes cancer cover

As many of you will know, Insurancewith was created after I was diagnosed with breast cancer and was unable to find affordable travel insurance that covered cancer. And I said at the time Insurancewith would always be work in progress, we would carry on refining and updating our screening taking into account new treatments and the amazing strides the medical profession are making with cancer and survival rates.

The latest stage of the plan has now come together, and I am tremendously excited about it. I have now had no evidence of disease for seven years! Although I do still take an aromatase inhibitor, and because of my particular diagnosis will probably do so for many more years, I felt that people like me should be able to get travel insurance that covers cancer, but without paying any additional premium for the cancer cover, as I have always said this is travel insurance not life insurance.

So now at Insurancewith, when you declare your cancer to us at screening point, if you‘ve had no evidence of disease or have been in remission for 2 years or longer and are having no treatment other than long term prescribed medication, you will not be charged any additional premium to cover your cancer (subject to policy terms and conditions). This means that you will be fully covered for your cancer and any attributed conditions. By attributed conditions we mean any condition that could be attributed to your cancer or the treatment of it, for example because of the medication I take for my cancer I am at higher risk of bone thinning and should I trip and break a bone this could be attributed to my cancer. I hope you will agree that this is an exciting step forward in travel insurance for people with cancer.

InsuranceWith Awards