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It’s not the cards you’re dealt it’s the way you play them


Since my cancer diagnosis I have always tried to look for the positives that cancer has brought to my life.  I have met some wonderful people who have become friends and if I hadn’t been diagnosed with cancer I would never have met them.  Twitter has been a great tool for meeting people, we have a great band of people who support each other and the one thread that runs through all our lives is cancer.  It never ceases to amaze me how much support you can get from people you don’t know, but because you have been through similar things, they just get you, and can lift you up when things are all getting a bit much.
The tile of my blog came from a tweet @christheeagle1 sent me, Chris is a fantastic support to anyone who is diagnosed with cancer, and his blog “Chris’s Cancer Community”is a straight to the point blog about living with cancer, and many cancer charities point people to the blog for information and support, such is the quality of the content.
Another positive I can take from cancer is starting Insurancewith, initially to offer cancer travel insurance but quickly it grew to offering travel insurance cover for all medical conditions.  I am immensely proud of Insurancewith and what we have done to change the way cancer is viewed by travel insurance providers, premiums for people with primary cancers particularly breast cancer are really starting to get competitive, which is amazing considering 3 years ago, before I started Insurancewith, these people were being charged hundreds of pounds for their cancer travel insurance policies.
This week I also got involved with some travel bloggers for a “Travel Coffee Break” for an on air hangout, I spotted on twitter that their topic was going to be travel insurance so asked to join in, something I would never of had the courage to do pre cancer!  You can see me talking about Insurancewith and travel insurance for medical conditions on the video above.

InsuranceWith Awards