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Catch up with Greig

In our last blog about Greig, we welcomed him home and boy, what a busy time he has had!

After arriving back in the UK on the 29th of July, Greig settled back into the routine of being home – something which must have seemed quite strange after his adventures across the ocean in South America, visiting the incredibly beautiful Bolivian salt flats, taking part in the AngelRide and celebrating his birthday on the Galapagos.

Photo courtesy of Greig Trout

Photo courtesy of Greig Trout

Although we all love reading about Greig’s latest adventures, it was great to have him back on home soil, and it seemed that the whole world wanted to talk to this utterly inspiring guy. If you haven’t already watched Greig’s interview with ITV London, you definitely should. Greig talks about the importance of addressing and discussing post-traumatic stress disorder after receiving a big diagnosis, but reminds us that anything is possible with pictures of Bolivia and his other adventures – surviving cancer makes people stronger.

Photo courtesy of Greig Trout

Photo courtesy of Greig Trout

Whilst he was home, the Ice Bucket Challenge to raise awareness for multiple good causes swamped our Facebook and Twitter feeds – everyone seemed to be doing it! Always one to champion a good cause, Greig completed his in support of Anthony Nolan – a charity for blood cancer and bone marrow transplants. This charity do an incredible amount of work for people with blood diseases, and run recruitment drives to help those in desperate need of stem cell transplants from donors. You don’t have to do much, just donate a blood sample or some bone marrow and you can help save a life.

Photo courtesy of Greig Trout

Photo courtesy of Greig Trout

Greig was treated in London during his treatment for cancer, and returning to Richmond Hill – his favourite place in the city – was monumental. During and after his treatment, Greig found that he could never get to the top without having to stop 2 or 3 times for breath which must have been really frustrating. When he returned, Greig climbed the hill whilst chatting to his mum, and found it really easy. Its small things like this that can make you realise how far you’ve come.

We’re also really happy that during his time at home, Greig received the ‘four year all-clear’ from his doctors. Anyone who has experienced cancer knows how daunting those appointments can be, but congratulations to Greig for getting the best news.

I was delighted that Greig had time to fit in a talk about his experiences at the London Shine Cancer Support drinks meet-up, where I finally got a chance to meet him. We all really enjoyed
hearing about his travels and his plans for his next trip to Australia. What an inspiring person.

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