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101 Thing to do when you survive, update!

Back in July I wrote a blog about Greig Trout and his 101 Things to do when you survive challenge. Well he is now over 3 month in to his challenge so I thought I would update you on his progress.

I am so pleased to report that Greig has been ticking off a good few things on his list over the last 3 months.  He started out in Costa Rica volunteering for Raleigh International, he worked on a couple of projects the first one was in Guayabo National Park which is a national monument in Costa Rica, building fences and clearing old aqua ducts, which are over 3000 years old!  The next project involved building a community centre in a remote village in northern Nicaragua.  The work Greig and the rest of the volunteers did was hard and manual, but as he reported, exhilarating.

The Raleigh aspect of Grieg’s trip finished in September and he headed off to San Jose in Costa Rica to have his bloods checked for his 6 month check-up.  He was understandably a bit nervous, firstly trying to explain his complex medical history in Spanish, that coupled with the usual nerves I and many of my cancer travel insurance customers experience before the dreaded checkups.  However, he needn’t of worried his bloods were great and Greig is now celebrating 3 years clear of cancer, and what an amazing place to do it in.

After the 3 months of hard work on Raleigh International, Greig is now kicking back, relaxing and carrying on his travels through South America, I for one am very jealous; however I look forward to and thoroughly enjoy the video updates of his travels.

To find out more about Greig and his trip visit his web site 101 Things to do when you survive, you can have a look at his list and see how many of the items he has already ticked off. I find what he is doing so inspiring and I hope you will too.


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